Monday, May 05, 2008

Where the Grass is Greener

No matter how long you have lived in the country, and no matter how close you live to cows on a daily basis, and no matter how much you may LIKE these cows when they're hanging out in the field on the other side of the fence, there's nothing that wakes you up on an early Sunday morning, when you haven't had your coffee yet because the power is out, like looking out your dining room window only to see this: A bull, munching on your garden at 7am on a Sunday -that's a fine how do you do if I've ever seen one!

I actually wasn't as shocked as you may think, since this young gentleman has been over to visit no less than 10 times in the past week. The fencing between his house and our house is shoddy to say the least (and SO not our responsibility!!) and this lad seems to have developed a taste for freedom! When he first started visiting, he'd come alone for a snack...the others stayed on the other side of the fence. But then the others started to get curious too, thinking that maybe that age old adage about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence may actually have some weight to it.This pair has been to visit the most. But Sir is a bit of a player, and occasionally brings his other lady friend over for a taste.

Now, you're probably wondering, how does one get a eleventy bazillion pound steak cow off your front lawn. Simple - you send out the Cow Whisperer. Behold, the Cow Whisperer:My darling, and very brave husband heads out and says...something to these massive creatures, and they beat a hasty retreat. My guess is it's something along the lines of "Remember your girlfriend from last summer? Bessie, I think her name was? Well, I think we ATE HER FOR DINNER last night!! Now beat it, before I get all Montreal Steak Spice on your ass!"Whatever he says, it works time after time (after time, after time!!)See you tomorrow, ladies and gent!


Anonymous said...

Oh the memories this brings up for me...cuz when I was a kid on the farm is WAS SO OUR RESPONSIBILITY and when the cows or the pigs or the sheep or the goats were meant chasing them all over the bleeping countryside. Sheep jump fences...any fences...doesn't matter how electrified! Hope they fertilize but don't eat too much!

vandy said...

hey, could Steve come try his power on my raccoons? I think they're trying to est through the ceiling to get to me! I'm not sure if I can wait for the return of the Great White Hunter from Denmark....

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

That is so the photos...Aren't hubby's great?

We used to have deer in my parents yard and then once in awhile a cow would wander up from the neighbors. Nothing so dramatic as this, however.