Last weekend and into early this week we experienced a bout of weather that the weather-people of the world refer to as "unseasonably warm." It. Was. Lovely. A much needed break from winter.
Then sometime in wee morning hours yesterday, it was like Mother Nature woke up from her spring like dream and thought to herself "Oh SHIT!! It's FEBRUARY!!" She turned the "balmy" dial back down to zero, and turned the "suck" knob back up to full, and yesterday was a full out winter blizzard here again.
Then sometime in wee morning hours yesterday, it was like Mother Nature woke up from her spring like dream and thought to herself "Oh SHIT!! It's FEBRUARY!!" She turned the "balmy" dial back down to zero, and turned the "suck" knob back up to full, and yesterday was a full out winter blizzard here again.
Good thing, then, that I had an excuse to stay home. That excuse? This guy:
Griffin has been dealing with a bit of a cold, and a consistent but low-grade fever for about a week now. Yesterday when he woke up in a puddle of fever, I decided enough was enough and off we trundled (in the suck weather) to the doc. For ONCE we didn't have to wait for 90 minutes before seeing the doc, and we walked right in.
Diagnosis? Ear infection
Now, 24 hours and 3 doses of antibiotics later, everyone is feeling MUCH better. Today we're just hanging out at home again, watching Ratatouille for the bazillionth time, and playing with nasal aspirators. Good times!
It couldn't have come at a more perfect time - I think I needed the few days off work as much as Griffin needed me to stay home. And with the Family Day long weekend, I'll have had a total of 5 days away from work (well...4 1/2....I need to go in for a few hours tomorrow.) A much appreciated respite for all of us. Griffin surely could have done without the ear infection, but what can you do!
sometimes the kids 'take one' for the team and give you a break. Sometimes they get carried away and give you several consecutive weeks - as in my case. I could have used a little less 'break'.
Jonathan has a cold and Hubby set up an appointment for him tomorrow. It is usually me that picks up the phone to the doctor, but this time Hubby said "He needs to get that cough checked out." So off the two men will go tomorrow while I am at work and I am so hoping it is not an ear infection (because we have no had one since shortly after we got the tubes over a year ago. Yeah!)
So far, though, that kid has endless amounts of energy. He's had this thing since Thursday and I have a feeling it will start kicking his butt soon enough. Not looking forward to that because I have a sinus infection (I think anyhow).
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