Sunday, January 23, 2011

Splish Splash

Corben loves the tub.But Corben's baths have gotten shorter, and shorter
Because Corben
Has discoveredThe plug!Addendum:

Corben currently has Fifth's Disease, a totally harmless rash that does nothing aside from make a baby cranky, and slightly feverish, and extra snuggly all day (unless you're's bad for preggos.) But I'm posting this as a public service announcement, to all of you poor people who are googling "Fifth's Disease pictures" and landing in some of the awful places that I myself landed this morning, while not even through my first cup of coffee...I should know better!

Fifth's Disease, aka Slapped Cheek is characterized by the bright red rash on the cheeks (that may just look like baby is overheated) and a lattice-like rash on the arms, legs, and possibly torso. Stick your baby in a warm bath. Take them out. Does it look way worse? It's likely Fifth's Disease. But here's some cute, chubby Fifth's Disease for you to enjoy, instead of some of the horrors you've likely already seen. Hopefully they'll help with the retinal burn. You're welcome.

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