Monday, February 06, 2012

The adventure begins!

Remember just before Christmas, when we found The Perfect Spot? (you can go back and read about it if you don't remember.  Go on, I'll wait!)

Since then, we've talked about this spot a lot, just about every day I'd guess.

We've hummed and hawed.  How?  When?  Is it really right?  Is it really perfect?  Can we really do this?

Today we went for a walk, to go and look at another spot.  And then we came back to THE spot, and then we made a decision.

Yup, it is.  Right.  Perfect.  And yes we can.  

So we're going to do it.  (I knew all along that we would, I needed to do a little bit of convincing though!)

A slight change from Plan A though - the site, being as treed as it is, isn't going to support the passive solar home that we've been dreaming about.  Plan B is even better though, and speaks to my inner hippie like nothing ever has before:

Straw bale, dudes.


First step - we're going to do this. Summer "vacation" this year will be 7 days in a place I've always wanted to visit, building a straw bale home along with 25 (or so) other people, and soaking up as much information as we possibly can. 

We've ordered some books.  Tomorrow we'll put in for our vacation approval.  Officially sign up for the workshop.  And call the Real Estate agent.

Eeeks.  We're terrified.  And excited.  And terrified.  (But mostly excited.)

Stick around, this might get good!  ;)

(I cracked this puppy open on New Years's that for awesomesauce!)

(P.S.  We're on the hunt for an inexpensive camper trailer for our North Dakota adventure, if you know of someone looking to offload one!  It's gotta be good, we might end up living in it for a while when we get back!!)


Mom said...


Kristen said...

Very cool!

Dana said...

Way too cool! I can't wait to hear more. Good Luck!

Marianne said...

So exciting!!!!When you're building your own, maybe Dave and I (and the baby - yes, the baby :) can come on over!