Monday, February 11, 2008

Snowed In

Last night I got snowed in. Except I wasn't in when I got snowed in, I was still out, at work. So I guess I got snowed out??

Snowed in is good. Snowed in is being at home with your own roaring fire, your own PJ's, your own kitchen stocked with goodness, and no where to go. Snowed out is less fun. It's away from home, and what's more, it's UNEXPECTED, so there's no comfy clothes, other than the ones you've been wearing all day, there's no roaring fire, no stocked kitchen, and worst of all, there is no warm husband and smiling baby boy. Luckily, work put me up at a nice comfy Best Western, so what there was, was a TV with 8459 channels of trashy goodness, a comfy big bed all to myself, and a solid sleep, all through the entire night without being woken up! According to Steve, baby boy woke at his usual time of night, and came down to the big bed....looked around and said "Mama??" Like "what the heck didja do with her??" It's nice to know that at least I'm missed!

I'm un-snowed-out now, and back home sweet home. It's nice to be back...but I'm packing a bag and tossing it in the trunk, just in case this happenes again...because the other fancy thing that the comfy hotel has is a salt water pool!! Next time, I'll be prepared!

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