Monday, March 03, 2008

Winter Storm Warning Alert

From the weather gurus: "Yet another moisture-laden winter storm is starting to take shape over Texas and is setting its sights on southern Ontario....Snow..Freezing pellets..." Blah blah blah.

Repeat aloud to oneself: "The stupid weather will NOT mess with my plans to drive to the city to go to the spa tomorrow, the stupid weather will NOT mess with my plans to drive to the city to go to the spa tomorrow..."

Go on, say it with me! I AM going to the spa tomorrow, come hell, high water, freezing rain, ice pellets, whatever Mother Nature decides to throw at me. Bring it on, be-atch, I say!! I'll be too busy soaking in the sea salt pool to pay any attention to your shenanigans!!!


Burgh Baby said...

You know I'm on your side. Enough is enough and it's March, so that's enough.


Anonymous said...

Go now. Leave. Make a run for it. both you and Kendra deserve it. I mean it...stay at the Stannard-Fry house tonight.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little late to help hold off the weather - as I already know you did make it and are hooked forever...however, I now suspect that the weather - which HAS arrived might transpire to keep you in the big city longer than you like?