Friday, April 04, 2008

Hey, where are we going? And what's with this handbasket??

When I was a kid I used to really dig tiny little confined spaces. Is there an opposite of claustrophobic? If there is, I was it. Still am a bit. I often was found curled up in a ball asleep in the bottom of my closet. I used to crawl under the christmas tree and lay there and read. We would hang out in my brother's closet, which led to the storage under the stairs, way before Harry Potter made it cool.

(According to the gods of Google, the opposite of a phobia is a "philia," which means to have a strong or abnormal attraction to. Yup, that pretty much sums it up. Claustrophilia.... Gesunheidt.)

Anwho, Griffin seems to have a similar affliction. The same, but different...I think what he has may be more of a "Basketphilia."

Case in Point:

And, my personal favourite:

Not a single one of these pictures was posed, or even suggested. I just have a lot of baskets. And Griffin, apparently, likes to sit in them! I missed the best photo op of them all, when he stuffed his little butt into the round container for his wooden blocks, and nearly got stuck.

Aw hell, we all have our quirks! I don't think this one will cost me any money in therapy later in life, so basketphilia away, I say!


Donna said...

Those pictures are too precious.

I had a friend that had a fear of wide open spaces; and my husband's aunt can't handle the trees around here after dark - too closed in for her . . . not that it's related or anything.

At any rate, he's a cutie!

Wendy said...

HA! My 3-yr-old does the same thing with baskets, boxes, anything her little butt can fit into. And yes, she does get it stuck in the duplo bucket... "help me, Mama!" LOL

Howler said...

I think I have an empty peanut butter jar kicking around if Griffin wants it...

Regina said...

LOVE that last photo - looks like the "best Easter Basket ever!!!" My little guy isn't into the baskets anymore - but tents and caves and tunnels. Thank goodness for lots of blankets for construction purposes!

Sarah said...

This is awesome. In other news, I just searched your blog for "steak" (that brings up a lot of posts!) trying to find the one where G was eating a t-bone. We are giving Dylan more meat and finger foods these days and I just wanted to see how old G was. 10 months! So good...Dylan has some catching up to do!

Anonymous said...

my 3 yr old also climbs in baskets and calls them his "tubby" (cubby) or occaisionally they're boats

Kristan said...

My four year old still crawls into the tiniest places and will sit for a while. Her favorite is empty cardboard boxes because she can take her markers with her to la la land.

Jodi Renshaw said...

Wow, what an enjoyable post. Love it :)

Stacy A. said...

I was just like you as a kid, still am sometimes. I would sleep in the bottom of closet and drawers and little attic spaces. A few years ago I rented a 5x10 foot space, off a bathroom for 1/4 of the usual rent price. I will say I was late for work a lot, over sleeping in my black cacoon. There is something to having a space you fit in, small personal boundaries. It is so funny seeing how kids define their space and see the world. Great post! Love Stacy

Anonymous said...

My son likes to do this as well and the other day he tried to sit in a pot he pulled out of a cupboard. It was odd....but adorable. I put some of his basket shots on my photo site.

frog ponds rock... said...

I wish that I had had a digital camera when my son was small he had basketphilia as well..

cheers Kim