Corben is....something. Teething likely. Happy as a clam during the day, miserable at bedtime. Last night and the night before it took me TWO hours to get him down to bed. This morning he was up at 5:30am, miserable again.
Not a wonder I don't have time for a shower.
At least I'm smart, and when Daddy's away we all crawl into the big bed together. This makes bedtimes and any midnight wakings infinitely easier. Often I'll wake up with a foot in my kidneys or an arm in my face, but like I said, the cuddlemania has been quelled for as long as I can keep my pits stinky.
Corben doesn't care if I stink. As long as my boobs keep making milk, we'll be BFF's. One snuggler in the bed is enough
Tonight, by some minor miracle, everyone was asleep by 8:30. The 5:30 wake-up by C and Mr. No Nap Griffin may have something to do with that. I don't even have the energy to do anything creative with this evening. I think I may go join the little snorefest myself.
My three year old? Could out-snore many of your husbands. He'll make someone a fine one some day!
And with that, I will leave you with this little bit of awesomesauce, and bid you adieu. This is how I get ready in the morning, fuss free. Corbenvision. Have mirror, will entertain!
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