We spent Monday night in Drumheller before heading to the museum, and nearly froze our patooties off. The temperature dropped down to 4 freaking degrees. FOUR! When we woke up in the morning we could see our breath in the tent, and it was downright frosty on the outside.
After a night of respite at my uncle's place in Delburne, we decided to look for a place that had camping cabins, rather than roughing it (or turning into popsicles) in our tent.
We ended up getting WAY more than a camping cabin.
We actually ended up having an afternoon/evening/morning that was by far the highlight of the trip thus far.
We ended up off the beaten path...15 kilometers down a pot holed, dusty gravel mountain road. Up and down and twist and turn, sheer drop off's at every corner. About half way into the trek down the path, we came across a sign that read "don't give up yet!" The little bit of humour was all we needed to keep on trucking.
And we were so glad we did.
Beaverfoot Lodge. A little spot, nestled in the mountains. One of the most peaceful and serene places I've ever been. There were little rustic cabins tucked into the woods. A glacier fed spring stream, bubbling away (behind the sauna!) where we filled our water bottle. Free range horses, just roaming the property, galloping past our kitchen window at random. A beautiful (c-c-c-cold!) river, wandering through the property. The most lovely hosts we've met so far. And a three year old boy, complete with cowboy gun, that Griffin became fast friends with...we hardly saw him for the whole time we were there!
We are SO glad we made the trek off the main road. We were dubious, driving down that gravel path, but it was SO worth it in the end.
Today we head to Vancouver, where we ditch our trusty trailer, and take a backstage tour of the Vancouver Aquarium. This is kind of the end of the first part of the trip, as tomorrow we head over to the island for 5 days on the ocean with the family.
So far? So amazing!
Total Driving - 499 km
Day 11 - Drumheller AB to Delburne AB, home to "Big Uncle Ben."
Total distance - 120km
Day 12 - Delburne AB to (somewhere near) Golden BC
Total distance - 465km
Day 13 - Golden BC to Kamloops BC
Total distance - I'm not sure...I forgot to check the odometer when we arrived tonight...the kids were starving!
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