Friday, November 04, 2011

Mono: Week one's been about a week since this nasty little virus struck me down, and overall, it hasn't been that bad. By Wednesday I was feeling like the "sick" part had mostly run it's course, and was just left with the "exhausted" part that mono is so famous for. I've spent A LOT of time in bed, watching crappy television and napping. I also have a few tricks up my sleeve, that I think might have saved me thus far.

Trick one - the juicer: since mono wipes out your appetite, but drinking fluids is highly recommended to get better, I thought I would try to get the most bang for my buck in my fluids, and busted out the juicer. 2 apples, 3 carrots, 3 stalks of celery, lemon, parsley, ginger and a handful of spinach every morning. I've never been so freaking healthy!

Trick two - vitamins: the naturopath has put me on a bevy of vitamins, all designed to boost the immune system. 2000mg of Vitamin C, 5000iu of Vitamin D, something called MycoImmune, which is a mushroom capsule (mushrooms being very potent immune enhancers) and some NASTY tincture called Astragalus Combo, that tastes like ass, but apparently is da bomb.

Trick three - the Laundry Fairy!: The Laundry Fairy swooped in on her fairy wings, and did every speck of laundry in the house! She also made soup, picked kids up off buses, put kids to bed, and generally took the load off for 2 days, which was a massive help. She'll also be happy to know that I finished off her work and put every last piece of laundry away after she left. Thanks Laundry Fairy. (And no, you can't borrow her.)

Ive said I'll go back to work on Monday and Tuesday next week, so we'll see how that goes. I'm hoping that my little tricks, combined with lots of rest, will hurry this little virus along as fast as possible...which, I realize, with mono is usually never much shorter than at least 6 weeks. But hey, I lost 5lbs last week, and took a nap every day, it really could be a whole lot worse!


Sue said...

Take it easy babe - I had mono years ago (really nasty hospitalized quaratined version) - it's a tricky bugger so really suss out how you are feeling before you do anything.
sending love!

xine says said...

Bella! Lots of electronic love to help you get healthy!

Gretel said...

So sorry you've got this. Thank you Mama Laundry Fairy for helping Jenn out when I cannot! Do you best to take it easy - I know that's a tough to you...