Saturday, May 03, 2008


Did anyone else in the Greater Toronto Area enjoy the MONSOON this afternoon?? We were just about to head from the dry comfort of Gretel's living room, when from out of nowhere...

First all that stupid snow, now apparently it's monsoon season. Awesome!

OK, fess up!! Who pissed off Mother Nature?? Was it YOU???


Sarah said...

when i went in to get my dinner - no rain. I knew that I was going to have my hands full, so I left the umbrella in the car. I was only going twenty steps. When I went to leave 3 minutes later - total monsoon. I got soaked to the bone.

Anonymous said...

It was NUTTY!

Coal Miner's Granddaughter said...

It was me, from down in Georgia. She and I have arguments all the time and it makes her mad. Thus, the rain. Sorry 'bout that.