Sunday, June 06, 2010

Creativity Boot Camp, Day One

I have a feeling that I may be INSANE, tacking another thing on my daily to do list, but we'll give it a shot.

When I first saw this Boot Camp badge, I was intrigued. Boost my creativity? Well sure I'm interested. And there's something particular that I'm interested in learning how to do.

I like taking pictures, but I don't have a good camera right now. What I enjoy about pictures though is the composition. The colours. I want to make better pictures, but I don't want to do it with my camera.

I want to do it with my sewing machine.

I want to learn how to draw pictures with my sewing machine.

Ever since Steve gave me a book (that's packed away right now, so I can't tell you what it's called) it's been something in my mind that I want to do.

Until this morning I didn't know exactly how I was going to make sewing work for this project. Or how I was going to conquer an entire "project" each day. And then it came to me this morning.

A quilt square. A 10" square, totally manageable. One each day. Nothing too complicated, but something that forces me to CREATE, pictures specifically, with my sewing machine. I'm going to make it into a wall hanging at the end, putting all the pieces together, quilting as I go, and not caring about the backs. This is all about the front!

Today's word was IVORY.

Here's what I made:
Lessons learned today? Never, ever, ever, EVER use a piece of linen in a quilt square. NEVER.

Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings!


Stephanie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I love getting comments, so I'm leaving you one now. What an interesting way of using color... with fabric! I always have wanted to sew, so I loved seeing your creation. Thanks for stopping by and look forward to more comments in the future. :o)

Maegan Beishline said...

What a wonderful idea...quilt squares...brilliant! Well done! Lovely interpretation of the theme!

Hello, I'm Vicki said...

ooh i love this, so cute. are you hoping to do a whole quilt??? xxx

scrappyjacky said...

What a great way to interpret the assignments....and you'll have something wonderful at the end. I love this.

Coley said...

What a great medium to use for boot camp. :)

Unknown said...

What a great medium to choose and definitely a challenge

Wendy said...

Wow! That's fantastic. I wish I could sew - but I would just poke my eyes out - lovely work!

faith ann raider said...

WOW! This is SO pretty! LOVE the quilt square. The linen added so much awesome texture.

Corinne Cunningham said...

WOW! I'm just gorgeous - love the stippeling (I don't know if I spelled that right...) :)

Dana said...

Love this idea Jenn. Looking forward to seeing more... and especially the finished quilt. You go girl!

Gretel said...

Is that regretful blue linen from sling scraps? Looks familiar! Love the ivory tower!

Elaine said...

I love that you used such a unique medium! A beautiful square :-) I just came across the bootcamp, quite a bit afterwards i know, but I think I might do the course after the fact anyways. It looks like it would give me a really great kick in the butt ;-)

Thanks for your inspiration!